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Schaumstoffverbände (Hydropolymere)
Braun (Sempach) (1997) Beschreibungen zu den Themen: Schaumstoffwundauflagen (Askina Transsorbent) und Hydrokolloide (Askina Biofilm S, Askina Biofilm transparent), Hautpflege (TRIXO, Softaskin)
Clever H-U, Dreyer M (1996) Clinical Trial to Compare a Hydroactive Polyurethane (PUR)-gel Dressing (Gutinova hydro) with a Hydrophilic PUR-Foam Dressing (Allevyn). Scientific Information: 10
Ludger J, Meyer M (1996) Cutinova Cavity for the Treatment of Secondary Healing Wounds After Abdominal Surgery and Abscess Cavities in Comparison to Traditional Therapie. Scientific Information 11
McMullen D, Corazza C, Watson H: Clinical Experience with a Hydrocolloid Dressing to Treat Stage Cutaneous Ulcers. Hamburg: Beiersdorf Medical Bibliothek
Meyer-Ingold W (1996) Zur Wirkungsweise der Cutinova-Wundauflagen. Praxis-Journal: 5-10
Tincknell H, Tonge H, Hofmann D, Powell S, Cherry G (1996) Evaluation of Beiersdorf Cutinova Wound Care Products. Scientific Information 10
1: |
Evaluation of a new composite dressing for the management of chronic leg ulcer wounds.
J Wound Care. 2002 Sep;11(8):290-4.
PMID: 12360762 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2: |
Using a new foam dressing in the care of fungating wounds.
Br J Nurs. 2001 Mar;10(6 Suppl):S24-30.
PMID: 12070397 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3: |
Effect of bacteriological status on pressure ulcer healing in patients with advanced cancer.
J Wound Care. 2002 Mar;11(3):107-10.
PMID: 11933727 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4: |
A study to evaluate primary dressings for the application of cultured keratinocytes.
Br J Plast Surg. 2001 Dec;54(8):687-96.
PMID: 11728112 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5: | DeFranzo AJ, Argenta LC, Marks MW, Molnar JA, David LR, Webb LX, Ward WG, Teasdall RG. |
The use of vacuum-assisted closure therapy for the treatment of lower-extremity wounds with exposed bone.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2001 Oct;108(5):1184-91.
PMID: 11604617 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6: |
Systematic reviews of wound care management: (5) beds; (6) compression; (7) laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy and electromagnetic therapy.
Health Technol Assess. 2001;5(9):1-221. Review.
PMID: 11368833 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
7: |
Abdominoplasty wound-healing complications: assisted closure using foam suction dressing.
Br J Plast Surg. 2001 Jun;54(4):348-51.
PMID: 11355992 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
8: |
Topical negative pressure for treating chronic wounds.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001;(1):CD001898. Review.
PMID: 11279736 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
9: | Catarino PA, Chamberlain MH, Wright NC, Black E, Campbell K, Robson D, Pillai RG. |
High-pressure suction drainage via a polyurethane foam in the management of poststernotomy mediastinitis.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2000 Dec;70(6):1891-5.
PMID: 11156090 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
10: |
Treatment of a patient with a deep leg ulcer using Biatain Adhesive.
Br J Nurs. 1999 Sep 23-Oct 13;8(17):1164-7.
PMID: 10897699 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
11: |
[Experimental study. Reduction of pressure in areas of risk of developing pressure ulcers with a hydrocellular dressing]
Rev Enferm. 2000 Mar;23(3):211-8. Spanish.
PMID: 10797781 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
12: |
How to dress donor sites of split thickness skin grafts: a prospective, randomised study of four dressings.
Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 2000 Mar;34(1):55-9.
PMID: 10756576 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
13: |
A comparison of an opaque foam dressing versus a transparent film dressing in the management of skin tears in institutionalized subjects.
Ostomy Wound Manage. 1999 Jun;45(6):22-4, 27-8.
PMID: 10655859 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
14: |
The benefits and application of the Lyofoam product range.
Br J Nurs. 1999 Jun 10-23;8(11):745, 748-9. Review.
PMID: 10624213 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
15: |
Histological comparison of postoperative wound care regimens for laser resurfacing in a porcine model.
Dermatol Surg. 1999 May;25(5):387-91; discussion 392-3.
PMID: 10469078 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
16: |
All foam sponges are not equal in vacuum dressings.
Br J Plast Surg. 1999 Jan;52(1):79. No abstract available.
PMID: 10343600 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
17: |
Reaping the benefits of foam dressings.
Community Nurse. 1998 Jun;4(5):47-8. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 9763972 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
18: |
Closed dressings after laser skin resurfacing.
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998 Jul;124(7):751-7.
PMID: 9677108 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
19: |
[A new generation of dressings in the treatment of leg ulcers]
Cas Lek Cesk. 1998 May 4;137(9):264-6. Czech.
PMID: 9650353 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
20: |
[Possibilities of preliminary treatment of infected soft tissue defects by vacuum sealing and PVA foam]
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 1998 Jan;30(1):20-3. German.
PMID: 9541834 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
21: |
Vacuum-assisted closure: a new method for wound control and treatment: clinical experience.
Ann Plast Surg. 1997 Jun;38(6):563-76; discussion 577.
PMID: 9188971 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
22: |
Vacuum-assisted closure: a new method for wound control and treatment: animal studies and basic foundation.
Ann Plast Surg. 1997 Jun;38(6):553-62.
PMID: 9188970 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
23: |
The use of negative pressure to promote the healing of tissue defects: a clinical trial using the vacuum sealing technique.
Br J Plast Surg. 1997 Apr;50(3):194-9.
PMID: 9176007 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
24: |
Two hydrocolloid dressings evaluated in experimental full-thickness wounds in the skin.
Acta Derm Venereol. 1997 Mar;77(2):127-31.
PMID: 9111823 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
25: |
An alternative method for reducing plantar pressures in neuropathic ulcers.
Adv Wound Care. 1997 Jan-Feb;10(1):26-9. Review.
PMID: 9204800 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
26: |
A comparative study of three occlusive dressings in the treatment of full-thickness wounds in pigs.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 1997 Jan;36(1):53-8.
PMID: 8996261 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
27: |
Br J Nurs. 1996 Jun 27-Jul 10;5(12):757-9.
PMID: 8718333 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
28: |
A silicone foam dressing used in treating an infected wound.
J Wound Care. 1996 Mar;5(3):109-10. No abstract available.
PMID: 8826269 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
29: |
Dressings for treating cavity wounds.
J Wound Care. 1996 Jan;5(1):10-7.
PMID: 8697123 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
30: | Weber RS, Hankins P, Limitone E, Callender D, Frankenthaler RM, Wolf P, Goepfert H. |
Split-thickness skin graft donor site management. A randomized prospective trial comparing a hydrophilic polyurethane absorbent foam dressing with a petrolatum gauze dressing.
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1995 Oct;121(10):1145-9.
PMID: 7546582 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
31: |
Hypergranulation tissue: a nontraumatic method of management.
Ostomy Wound Manage. 1994 Jun;40(5):20-2, 24, 26-30.
PMID: 7546080 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
32: |
The use of biobrane II and specialty airflow beds (FluidAir Plus and Kinair for effective coverage of extensive posterior donor site wounds.
J Burn Care Rehabil. 1994 Mar-Apr;15(2):137-42.
PMID: 8195253 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
33: |
Portrait of practice: healing heel ulcers.
Adv Wound Care. 1994 Mar;7(2):44-8.
PMID: 7812583 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
34: |
[Modern wound dressings. 5: Foam dressings]
Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena). 1994 Feb;88(2):141-3. Review. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 8147023 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
35: |
[Compression stockings in treatment of lower leg venous ulcer]
Wien Med Wochenschr. 1994;144(10-11):242-9. German.
PMID: 7856197 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
36: |
A comparison of Epi-Lock and saline dressings in the treatment of pressure ulcers.
Decubitus. 1993 Nov;6(6):42-4, 46, 48.
PMID: 8286026 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
37: |
[Synthetic skin replacement for temporary wound coverage in eyelid surgery]
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 1993 Sep;203(3):174-9. German.
PMID: 8264207 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
38: |
[Vacuum sealing as treatment of soft tissue damage in open fractures]
Unfallchirurg. 1993 Sep;96(9):488-92. German.
PMID: 8235687 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
39: |
Compression stockings and non-continuous use of polyurethane foam dressings for the treatment of venous ulceration. A pilot study.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1993 Jan;19(1):68-72.
PMID: 8454789 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
40: |
A comparison of wound environments.
Ostomy Wound Manage. 1992 Oct;38(8):34-7.
PMID: 1482522 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
41: |
Nasal packing after septoplasty.
Clin Otolaryngol. 1992 Apr;17(2):158-62.
PMID: 1587033 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
42: |
Using a hydrogel, foam, and dressing retention sheet.
Ostomy Wound Manage. 1992 Apr;38(3):28-30, 32, 34. No abstract available.
PMID: 1580970 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
43: |
Comparison between Eusol and Silastic foam dressing in the postoperative management of pilonidal sinus.
J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1991 Apr;36(2):105-6.
PMID: 2051404 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
44: |
Silastic foam dressing for healing exenteration cavities.
Ophthalmic Surg. 1990 Dec;21(12):849-51.
PMID: 1965741 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
45: |
Unna's boot vs polyurethane foam dressings for the treatment of venous ulceration. A randomized prospective study.
Arch Surg. 1990 Apr;125(4):489-90.
PMID: 2181975 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
46: |
[The effect on wound healing of venous leg ulcers of a two-layered polyurethane foam wound dressing]
Arzneimittelforschung. 1989 Sep;39(9):1173-7. German.
PMID: 2590272 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
47: |
Treatment of donor sites--Duoderm or Omiderm?
Burns Incl Therm Inj. 1989 Feb;15(1):7-10.
PMID: 2655835 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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[Results of single-stage repair of distal hypospadias using the King modification]
Urologe A. 1988 Jul;27(4):246-9. German.
PMID: 3051626 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
49: |
Silastic foam in injured patients.
Injury. 1988 Mar;19(2):121-3.
PMID: 3198260 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
50: |
[Temporary skin replacement with lyophilized swine skin and foam substances--comparative experimental studies]
Langenbecks Arch Chir. 1988;373(5):287-97. German.
PMID: 3077419 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
51: |
[Therapy of venous leg ulcer]
Z Hautkr. 1988;63 Suppl 4:92-4. Review. German.
PMID: 3075386 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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[Dressing technic with silastic foam following penis operations]
Urologe A. 1987 Jul;26(4):220-1. German.
PMID: 3629758 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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[Cultivated epidermis as a skin replacement--improved technics using mesh silastic sheets]
Z Hautkr. 1987 Apr 1;62(7):550-61. German.
PMID: 3296509 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
54: |
[Wound management using a silicone foam dressing. Results of a multicenter study]
Fortschr Med. 1986 Dec 18;104(47-48):979-82. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 3546040 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
55: |
[Foam-gel film and gel film in trauma surgery]
Unfallchirurgie. 1986 Aug;12(4):204-7. German.
PMID: 3765190 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
56: |
[Silastic foam: a new dressing in otorhinolaryngology]
Laryngol Rhinol Otol (Stuttg). 1986 Jun;65(6):314-6. German.
PMID: 3747671 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
57: |
Foam elastomer dressing in the management of a below-knee amputation stump with delayed healing.
Prosthet Orthot Int. 1985 Dec;9(3):157-9.
PMID: 4088845 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
58: |
[Silastic foam dressing compared with meche-treatment in open management following excision of a pilonidal cyst]
Ugeskr Laeger. 1985 Jan 28;147(5):408-9. Danish. No abstract available.
PMID: 3883609 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
59: |
[Removal of tattoos by excision and spontaneous epithelization under SYSpur-derm]
Dermatol Monatsschr. 1985;171(7):434-7. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 4043458 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
60: |
[A new concept of dressing: silastic foam]
J Chir (Paris). 1984 Nov;121(11):685-9. French.
PMID: 6526863 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
61: |
[Silicone rubber dressing in wound healing disorders]
Langenbecks Arch Chir. 1984;364:313-6. German.
PMID: 6503535 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
62: |
Adhesive foam technique for rapid, simple skin grafting.
Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1983 Sep;157(3):277-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 6351308 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
63: |
A comparison of skin grafting and healing by granulation, following axillary excision for hidradenitis suppurativa.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1983 Jul;65(4):235-6.
PMID: 6347013 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
64: |
Silicone foam dressings.
Nurs Times. 1983 May 11-17;79(19):58, 60. No abstract available.
PMID: 6553258 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
65: |
[Treatment of open wounds with silicone foam sponge]
Lakartidningen. 1983 May 4;80(18):1907-8. Swedish. No abstract available.
PMID: 6888089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
66: |
Split-thickness autogenous skin transplantation in the horse.
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1982 Apr 1;180(7):754-7.
PMID: 7045056 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
67: |
Treatment of granulating wounds with silastic foam dressings.
Aust N Z J Surg. 1981 Aug;51(4):354-7.
PMID: 6944053 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
68: |
Wound dressing: foam - a new approach.
Nurs Mirror. 1981 Jun 24;152(26):38-40. No abstract available.
PMID: 6910008 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
69: |
Foam elastomer dressings in surgery.
S Afr Med J. 1981 Apr 11;59(16):559-560.
PMID: 7221760 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
70: |
Multicentre prospective trial of Silastic foam dressing in management of open granulating wounds.
Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1981 Jan 3;282(6257):21-2. No abstract available.
PMID: 6778552 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
71: |
Silastic foam dressing for skin graft donor sites--a preliminary report.
Br J Plast Surg. 1980 Oct;33(4):418-21.
PMID: 7000214 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
72: |
[Experimental and clinical experiences with the synthetic skin cover of polyvinylalcohol-formaldehyde foam (PVA)]
Helv Chir Acta. 1980 Jun;47(1-2):163-6. German.
PMID: 6254911 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
73: |
[Animal experimental testing of the synthetic skin substitute SYSpur-derm]
Z Exp Chir. 1980 Apr;13(2):70-4. German.
PMID: 7445627 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
74: |
The use of silastic foam dressing in the treatment of advanced hidradenitis suppurativa.
Br J Surg. 1980 Apr;67(4):277-80.
PMID: 7388312 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
75: |
The management of the open perineal wound using a foam elastomer dressing: a prospective clinical trial.
Br J Surg. 1980 Feb;67(2):85-9.
PMID: 6988030 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
76: |
A clinical and laboratory evaluation of a polyurethane foam: a new donor site dressing.
Arch Surg. 1979 Oct;114(10):1188-92.
PMID: 384963 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
77: |
Foam elastomer dressing: a liquid alternative to gauze.
Nurs Mirror. 1979 Aug 2;149(5):30-2. No abstract available.
PMID: 257606 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
78: |
A comparison of polyurethane foam dressing and fine mesh gauze in the healing of donor sites.
Plast Reconstr Surg. 1978 Feb;61(2):275-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 341189 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
79: |
[Skin wound granulation from contact with synthetic foil of teflon-polyurethane type]
Hautarzt. 1977 Oct;28(10):535-8. German.
PMID: 599015 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
80: |
Foam elastomer dressing in the management of open granulating wounds: experience with 250 patients.
Br J Surg. 1977 Aug;64(8):554-7.
PMID: 890275 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
81: |
Epidermal wound healing under a new polyurethane foam dressing (Lyofoam).
Plast Reconstr Surg. 1975 Nov;56(5):531-7. No abstract available.
PMID: 1187880 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
82: |
Silicone foam sponge for pilonidal sinus: a new technique for dressing open granulating wounds.
Br Med J. 1975 Oct 18;4(5989):131-3.
PMID: 1191965 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
83: |
Substitution of experimental skin defects with collagen foam.
Acta Chir Acad Sci Hung. 1974;15(2):181-8. No abstract available.
PMID: 4460662 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
84: |
How to dress donor sites of split thickness skin grafts: a prospective, randomised study of four dressings.
Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 2000 Mar;34(1):55-9.
PMID: 10756576 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
85: |
A comparison of an opaque foam dressing versus a transparent film dressing in the management of skin tears in institutionalized subjects.
Ostomy Wound Manage. 1999 Jun;45(6):22-4, 27-8.
PMID: 10655859 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
86: |
[Possibilities of preliminary treatment of infected soft tissue defects by vacuum sealing and PVA foam]
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 1998 Jan;30(1):20-3. German.
PMID: 9541834 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
87: |
A comparative study of three occlusive dressings in the treatment of full-thickness wounds in pigs.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 1997 Jan;36(1):53-8.
PMID: 8996261 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
88: |
[Foam-gel film and gel film in trauma surgery]
Unfallchirurgie. 1986 Aug;12(4):204-7. German.
PMID: 3765190 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
89: |
[Spongostan film in plastic surgery]
Minerva Chir. 1971 Feb 28;26(4):193-200. Italian. No abstract available.
PMID: 4930897 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
90: |
[Structure dependent wound healing with temporary skin substitute of collagen foam film]
Frankf Z Pathol. 1967;77(2):125-34. German. No abstract available.
PMID: 5621395 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE